Monday, March 19, 2012


               Why is smoking harmful to our body? Well as we all know that nicotine is very addictive; it can cause addiction for the cigarette users and affects our body. But even though nicotine does enhance a person’s ability to think, it is UN healthy for non-smokers and smokers because, it has toxin that would damage the lungs, affect our liver, and cause mental disorder.

               Smoking can affect and causes much disorder in our body, first point, “it could damage the lungs.” Smoking can damage cells in the air ways of the lungs that causes lung cancer. Lung cancer is a disease characterized by out of control of cell growth, it occurs when this uncontrolled cell growth begins in one or both lungs. Second point “it could affect the liver”; smoking can affect our liver through liver disease such as “HEPATITIS C or HCV” this disease triggers the liver which leads to inflammation of the liver. The third point “it can cause mental disorder”. In the brain it provokes white blood cells in the central nervous system to attack healthy cells leading to severe neurological damage. In the following statement presented are the causes and effects of nicotine in one stick of cigarette. 

                So smoking can be brutal in the health of other people. As I have explained that smoking can cause severe diseases. It also causes many damages in our body and leads to death. So as a warning to all smokers and non-smokers that smoking can be very dangerous to the health of every individual.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Smoking within the People By: Rax Otero

A smoke is not a joke. Smoking causes a lot if problems for the person and the people around him/her both mentally and physically. In our civilized community we oppose smoking yet it thrives within the youth due to peer-pressure, dependency and stress related with work or school.
Smoking is major problem within the community. Children, particularly in high school, are encouraging each other to smoke where they become addicted to the small but strong nicotine content within the cigar. Some long time smokers have developed a psychological want for cigarettes every now and then that makes them a hard time to stop smoking because this want has made them feel like they need to smoke rather than to want it. Some people say the began smoking because it calms the mid and relaxes the from daily stress because of the chemical additives fount in the cigarette that lowers the heart rate which prevents the blood from flowing to the mind to fast that will cause headaches and stress. Smoking still continues through the people especially the youth and this is not entire list of reasons of why people smoke.
Peer-pressure, dependency and stress the main causes of why smokers still thrives within the youth of our community. The longing to be accepted, the need to smoke, and the stress which started it all are the main ideas that comes to mind about smoking but people are still unable to control these three origins for its the choice of the person but its still highly recommended to go through rehabilitation for treatment. Smoking kills the person and the people around the smoker which brings the need to stop smoking once and for all.

the costs of smoking by Monique Uy

     Smoking addiction is suicide. That is what smoking can do to a person. It can destroy one’s life as he or she knows it. Even though smoking relieves stress, it is bad since it deteriorates one’s health, affects one’s mental abilities and can cause social isolation.

     Smoking is bad. Everyone’s aware that it has nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Nicotine which makes it addictive, Tar which causes cancer and carbon monoxide which impairs the capacity of the blood to supply the adequate amount of oxygen in the body. Since it has nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide which deteriorates one’s health, smoking also reduces athletic performance of a person by endurance, strength, and recovery. Smoking increases the risk of being ill by the chemicals such as ammonia, acetone, formaldehyde and benzene. Because it has carbon monoxide which impairs the capacity of the blood to supply the adequate amount of oxygen in the body, it would affect ones mental abilities resulting to the reducing of IQ level of a person. It also causes fatigue to creep in. It induces lack of concentration. Smoking causes social isolation. Teenagers nowadays smoke because of peer pressure. They’re being bullied and they’re craving for attention. They thought smoking is the way not to be isolated and if they won’t smoke, they’d be rejected. Smoking deteriorates ones health, affects ones mental abilities and causes social isolation. It deteriorates ones health because of the chemicals that is slowly destroying every part of your body. Smoking also affects ones mental abilities by lowering the IQ level and inducing lack of concentration because of the carbon monoxide it contains. It cause social isolation because some think those who don’t smoke would be rejected.
      Smoking destroys ones health, mind and social life. And once a person starts smoking, he will have a hard time avoiding it. Yes, it relieves stress, it makes everyone forget their problems in just one night. Yet if everyone gets addicted to it, they will experience more problems that cause life and death.

The Smoke of Death by Nikki Calanas

 Why do people smoke?
It seems to be the remedy for stress and can somehow make problems disappear. Even though smoking can do all these things, it is still a wrong thing to do because it can lead to a person’s death, poses a threat to others and can harm nature.

Smoking is a wrong doing. A stick of cigarette has enough toxins leading to lung failure and eventually, death. It contains ammonia which is used in toilet cleaners, acetone which is a nail polish remover, and nicotine which causes the addiction. Smoking does not only affect the smoker’s health but the people around them too. Every time a smoker puffs, the person nearby draws in the same number of chemicals, but this time, doubled. When those chemicals get inside the body of a non-smoker, it would trigger asthma attacks, ear infections, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and breast cancer for women. The same goes for the environment. The chemicals contribute to air pollution. In time, when the number of smokers would increase, the air we breathe may not be safe as what we think it is.

Smokers would think that they are in the “zone” in this generation because they smoke. It has, however, negative effects. The bitterest sorrow a man can know is to much and to do it, and then to discover it was not the worth the doing. Life is full of problems and we must remember that stress will always be there. Smoking is definitely not the answer.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dangerous Smoking by Estinozo, Dennis Jose Stephen Lagon

“Dangerous Smoking”

            What does smoking do to everyone? Does this make everyone feel in heaven? Does smoking make people’s life complete? Well, the answer is no. Smoke from a cigarette is like a star because as the smoke scatter, the smoke mixes with the air that everyone breathes and lives in. Together with that, as one person inhale this toxic thing, the non-smokers may never know what sickness that could get from it. Smoking doesn’t only affect one’s health, but the relationship with others also. Even though smoking is addicting and pleasurable, smoking can affect one’s health, personality and lifestyle.
             Smoking is bad to one’s life because of the chemicals that cigarette contains, like a cyanide   (a highly toxic), Arsenic (used by bacteria as respiratory metabolites), tar (oil), Benzene (natural constituent of crude oil), and nicotine. Smoking destroys a person’s health because of the chemicals which were dangerous. These chemicals, when enters in our body, can cause asthma and a person’s organ system will be damage that can cause to death. Smoking affects one’s personality because smoking causes malfunction and disability of one’s hypothalamus which may affect the ability to control emotions. Smoking destroys one’s lifestyle through excessive usage of finance and failing to recognize the important needs of oneself, because of spending useful money to useless smoking. Don’t allow this to happen. Didn’t the illnesses showed made your heart melt?
              It is because of smoking that affects a person’s health, personality, and lifestyle. All of the people, smokers and non-smokers, are involved in this situation because smokers release the smoke that contains bad chemicals and non-smokers inhale the smoke. The smoke also destroys the environment and lately the environment will become dirty and the air will not be fresh anymore. So seeing this kind of situation which all of us are involved, is it right to continue smoking or stop it for the sake of yourself and others? All of us must cooperate to stop this.