Monday, March 19, 2012


               Why is smoking harmful to our body? Well as we all know that nicotine is very addictive; it can cause addiction for the cigarette users and affects our body. But even though nicotine does enhance a person’s ability to think, it is UN healthy for non-smokers and smokers because, it has toxin that would damage the lungs, affect our liver, and cause mental disorder.

               Smoking can affect and causes much disorder in our body, first point, “it could damage the lungs.” Smoking can damage cells in the air ways of the lungs that causes lung cancer. Lung cancer is a disease characterized by out of control of cell growth, it occurs when this uncontrolled cell growth begins in one or both lungs. Second point “it could affect the liver”; smoking can affect our liver through liver disease such as “HEPATITIS C or HCV” this disease triggers the liver which leads to inflammation of the liver. The third point “it can cause mental disorder”. In the brain it provokes white blood cells in the central nervous system to attack healthy cells leading to severe neurological damage. In the following statement presented are the causes and effects of nicotine in one stick of cigarette. 

                So smoking can be brutal in the health of other people. As I have explained that smoking can cause severe diseases. It also causes many damages in our body and leads to death. So as a warning to all smokers and non-smokers that smoking can be very dangerous to the health of every individual.  

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